Category: Dance, Year 2021/22
"Evening Prayer"by Sudesh Adhana
- Funded by Kulturråde Norway
“Evening Prayer” is a contemporary dance and theatre work. It aims to reflect the context of the protest body; invites the audience to rethink about the political freedom and how an individually we relate with it. The performance tackles global issues from social and cultural taboos to dangers of polarisation, and highlights the social discrimination issues through dance, physical work, music and videography. This production has developed at the same time in two different locations with two different teams in India and Norway.
-Created team: Choreography- Sudesh Adhana, Music- Houaida, Sound engineer- Kim Aleksandersen, Video- Camille Lacadee, Light designer- Paul vidar Sævarang, Costume/Scene- Kjersti Alm Eriksen, Production Manager- Frida Skinner
– Dancers in Norway: Durga Bishwokarma, Oliver Sale, Sudesh Adhana, Sarjo Sankareh and Stian Bergdølmo (Performed at Sprang Ål (2022), R.E.D Residency Eina (2021)- Norway)
– Dancers In India : Deepanwita Roy, Deepak Kurki Shivaswamy, Purnendra Meshram and Lalit Khatana (Performed at Bangalore)

Photo: Antero Hein

Photo: Nabin Babu Gurung/Street Nepal
Category: Music/Visual art, Year 2020
"Territorium Nepal" by Janne Hoem and Øystein Elle
- Supported by: Kulturråde Norway
“Territorium ” is composed as an intermedial work, at the intersection between concert, installation, film and movement performance. The performance space defined by fragments of objects, pine needles, soil and feathers, organized in circular formations. As a volatile mandala of tracks, collections of items, relics, materials – as a plotted territory. Centrally located in the room is a sculptural stringed instrument of steel and wood that surrounds the performer and can be seen as his extended mouthpiece and inner territory.
The performance carries the memories of inner expression of fear vs freedom and cultural challenges.
– On the Stage as dancer Durga Bishwokarma, Øystein Elle and Kiran Nepali as performer musicians.
– Idea, concept, music, direction, choreography, video, script, costume: Janne Hoem and Øystein Elle. Scenography: Gunhild Mathea Olaussen,
– Sarangi player: Kiran Nepali
– Light/Video: Jan Hajdelak Hustak
– Performed at Mandala Theatre Nepal

Category: Theatre, Year 2017
"Brother"- Based on a play Antigone by Sophocles
A play “Brother” re-tales the story from a play “Antigone” where four women on the stage raised voice against injustice in connection to the power structure in the political landscape. The tension between individual action and fate and freedom have expressed in the play as how a central theme in the original play “Antigone” has itself.
– Created and performed by Durga Bishwokarma, Moa Meinich, Maria Elionore and Ragnhild Regnbue
– Performed at Fredrikstad Norway
– Presented by Norwegian Theatre Academy
Photo: NTA archive/ Serge Von Arx